Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New and Updated Gallery!

The fantasy gallery over Enchanted of Elven Realm has just been updated and renewed. Before we had a mix of artists on display only. We now have 11 artists' works on display, each with their own donation option along with an artist's bio and website (flickr stream) giver. Some have chosen to sell their work, while others are only accepting donations. Due to the kindness and generosity of all the artists, most monies collected are going back to benefit the upkeep and maintenance of the Enchanted sim along with the gallery. Please be sure and stop by and enjoy the new gallery updates!

SeleneLily Galicia is still our Featured Fantasy Artist through the end of this month. If you haven't been by to see her works, please do so soon before it's gone. There are 17 of her works on display right now. Once this is over, about 6-7 of her works will be an ongoing display in the gallery.